These are conversations in feeling.
First Piano Conversation
Grand Piano
Second Piano Conversation
Grand Piano
Third Piano Conversation
Grand Piano
Fourth Piano Conversation
Grand Piano
First Guitar Conversation
Classical Guitar
Second Guitar Conversation
Classical Guitar
Between Here & There, Now & Then…
Classical Guitar, Electric Guitar & Drums
I’ve always come at improvising music as entering into a conversation. What I’ve realized with this suite is that often what comes out is in the form of a conversation as well. One without words, but a conversation made up of inflexive cadences that organize into phrases that gather into sentences, even paragraphs. These become a side of a conversation. We listen, as does the other partner, who then may respond. These responses may be short, medium, or long. Each partner adds to the feeling of what’s being explored, in this case without words. These are conversations in feeling.
Now, it’s not that there is a “program,” that we need to keep in mind and follow. All that is asked of an audience is that they listen.
Something else that’s been a great boon recently is that I’ve managed to get a “sound,” and a “space,” that I feel holds together. A sonic coherence? It supports what’s being conveyed. Music is always about quality. That’s not to say perfection, or any specific type or kind of quality; but unless the performance can hold what one is attempting to convey, it can’t be good.
I hope you find something in these performances.