There’s a line in Shakespeare’s Coriolanus:
Martius’ mother Volumnia is asked by the smooth talking Menenius, “You’ll sup with me?” She answers, “Anger’s my meat; I sup on myself, And so shall starve with feeding….” On hearing this I was chilled to the bone. What it signified appeared in all its tragic power. I felt as though I was being introduced to the Mother of Fascism. Not the easy, superficial beliefs its followers claim, accepting clap-trap lies out of convenience. This is the steam powering its leaders. Each knowing full well what they are up to. Aware of the bargain they are making and of the price, to themselves as well as everyone else; and then re-affirming that it is worth the cost to defy what-is in the name of their anger, looking to hatred as the singular answer to all of life’s questions. And, again, I cannot overstate this. Fully embracing the cost. Fully embracing the cost.
Excellent! Yes.