The ever mysterious Dwight Towers sent me this link a few days ago. The Feral Scholar has been consistently interesting, I only wish he made it easier to "follow" his blog. I'm spoiled by the follow button!
I find in this post a veritable manifesto, and an integrating analysis of so much that I've come to cover here at Horizons of Significance. Instead of attempting to duplicate his effort, I want to urge you to read his. It's a long piece, but I think the level and pace of insight to be discovered there, along with the resolve this should help breed in us, as an antidote to the traps of futility these insights illuminate for us, should carry you through to the end!
What is covered in his post is an example of the blessings of clarity, what makes our disillusionment potentially joyful.
Illich, Boyd, Bohm, and Krishnamurti have been prophets. But what's been lacking – besides the effects of an efficient marginalization that has kept them virtually out of sight for so long! Has been the opportunity for a wider clarity to develop around their critiques, an opportunity that confirms their prophecies. If we stand on the shoulders of giants it's because all of the intervening suffering has brought us to this moment of clarity. I thank the Feral Scholar for synthesizing so much, and so well, in this post.