In school we are taught to use language and to engage in thinking. It gets worse in college. People don't realize they have been trained this way. In fact, and it took me until middle age to find out, that we can meditate by stopping thought altogether. We can attend to the present moment without judgement, and this is a healthy exercise. Of course thinking is necessary for work and daily life to some extent, but I wish more people would understand that language and thinking do not define us but that behind it all we are simply human beings.
Glad you found the source of the tangle. Chögyam Trungpa called it the cocoon. The Buddha called it habitual tendencies. We don’t have to be little autocrats serving our ego. Every thought vanishes like the track of a bird in the sky. With love, Paul
In school we are taught to use language and to engage in thinking. It gets worse in college. People don't realize they have been trained this way. In fact, and it took me until middle age to find out, that we can meditate by stopping thought altogether. We can attend to the present moment without judgement, and this is a healthy exercise. Of course thinking is necessary for work and daily life to some extent, but I wish more people would understand that language and thinking do not define us but that behind it all we are simply human beings.
Glad you found the source of the tangle. Chögyam Trungpa called it the cocoon. The Buddha called it habitual tendencies. We don’t have to be little autocrats serving our ego. Every thought vanishes like the track of a bird in the sky. With love, Paul