To paraphrase Stephen Jenkinson, We need to "oblige" the death of the systems that are destroying us all. Unless we do, they will remain undead and continue to plague us.
When a new reality breaks into our awareness it may seem fantastic; but reality never conforms to our fantasies.
If this is a time for revelations it seems important to look at the ways our fantasies have been shaped and the ways they have betrayed us.
I was born in what was euphemistically called “The Post War Years,” referring to the end of WWII, ignoring the fact that the US was already in a new “shooting war,” to differentiate open warfare from clandestine…. Reminds me of the way the Inuit were supposed to have hundreds of terms for “snow…”
It’s been at war ever since.
What’s made this possible, with only a few glitches during the Vietnam War; when a universal draft brought the realities home for too broad a segment of the population; has been the state’s capacity to keep those costs of war out of sight as much as possible and control the public narrative to maintain the false innocence of “Peace Keeping” via endless war.
I’m as old as the CIA. What used to be called “Madison Avenue” and the “Intelligence Community,” two arms of the same force, had been energized by the “defeat” of the Axis and even more so by being able to “recruit” all of the “best Nazis” to their cause.
This cause was quite openly stated as “Shaping Public Opinion.” This has been done for profit and for control.
While it is still difficult for most people to fathom that anything given a boost by any mass media, mainstream or otherwise is a manufactured lie; it was nearly impossible to imagine this in the Fifties, Sixties, even the Seventies of the last century. Everyone knew what “Propaganda” was. That’s what the Soviets did, heavy-handed, “Orwellian,” bold faced lying enforced by open aggression and suppression. So, it was quite easy to hide what they were doing by drawing on deep psychological manipulation while clothing the iron hand within a plush velvet glove of consumer goodies.
Of course, anyone who strayed, or was simply not born into the right circles, or was not “white,” was hit with the full force of open, pervasive, and “world-class” aggression and suppression. The greatest percentage per capita of incarceration was not something the Soviets could claim. That’s been the case right here in “The Land of the Free….”
To some, all this is old news. To many it’s something they’d rather not hear…. I bring it up to provide a background for what I feel needs to be said about the state of our collective fantasies and the crippling of our imaginations this has perpetuated.
Every “beloved” fantasy we’ve been exposed to for the last eighty years or more via public media was engineered to imprison our imaginations to serve power and profit. This includes all of our “beloved” TV series and every movie franchise that’s grown out of them. It even includes just about every example of “rebellious” or “subversive” “content.”
The Sixties’ “Counter-culture” almost broke through this electron-curtain, but at the risk of exposing the whole mechanism by combining targeted, outright assassinations with the slightly more undercover “War on Drugs” and “Count-intel-Pro;” along with greasing the way for the Shadow of the Summer of Love that broke out at Altamont and the Manson Murders; combined with every effort made to trivialize and profit from every “likeable” aspect of “Youth Culture;” this threat was neutralized.
Where has this war on our imaginations led us?
Mostly into “Outer Space” and an equally impossible to inhabit, “Future!™.
“Space” was important to the war-makers once they had the bomb and got hold of their first Nazi rocket scientists. Popularizing a “Space Race’ was a way to use the mechanisms of manipulation that were so successful with competitive sports to provide support for throwing as much money as possible at building offensive nuclear missiles. Strapping “Astronauts” on top of redundant ICBM boosters provided “human interest” to their race towards doomsday.
UFO’s were a convenient blanket to throw over secret aircraft tests. The whole UFO Phenomena Movement became a blueprint for the entire “Conspiracy-Culture” that continues to operate to this day, burying any critical counterfactual to the Growth & War Agenda in a swamp of kookiness and hokum.
Carrot and stick….
A heretical look at the shibboleths of The Space Age and Our Galactic Destiny!™
Capitalism, and every command-and-control system that has plagued us for the last five thousand years, has a peculiar perspective on time. It/they only value an idea, The Future!™ where, in Capitalism’s version, profit will occur. And it/they devalue the Now, which is the only actual condition we can ever inhabit. This ideological belief, a Modern™ version of Heaven™, attempts to bury every and any form of violence we do to ourselves, to others, to the world, behind a willful ignorance and false naivety, the faux-innocence epitomized by burying one’s life in a state of “whiteness,” as James Baldwin pointed out.
None of it can be maintained without an adherence to this core of the faith. Every effort must be made, unto death, to preserve this fantasy.
The Future!™ doesn’t exist, and more than eight decades after The 1939 New York World’s Fair enshrined Progress!™ as the backbone of Modernity™, we still do not have flying cars or tourist trips to the Moon.
As with Nuclear Power, starting with the promises of it becoming, “Too Cheap to Meter!” right on down to every last perennial pronouncement that “Fusion is Just Around the Corner!,” true believers are forever willing to put their “Faith” in Technology!™ ahead of everything.
As the world can no longer support this onslaught and the balance of all our natural systems falter around us; we face an Apocalypse, a time of Revelations. Unlike the twisted versions of this we’ve been fed by religions, we need to look at what Apocalypse and Revelation actually mean. An Apocalypse is an Awakening. Revelations are what arise when all of our resistances to seeing what-is crumble and hidden aspects of truth are revealed.
The bankruptcy and sheer idiocy of those with Power over the world is a great part of what is being revealed right now. What has broken into our awareness is still fragmented and partial. Much more “Grief-work” needs to occur….
Just as there is no Future!™ awaiting us, and we need to accept and live within the present as it unfolds, there is nothing other than fantasy and wishing behind the whole “Space Thing.”
I’ve been looking at what appears to be a basic corollary, as basic as the limits of the speed of light and the intractability of gravity. I’ve also never seen a single mention of this even as a remote possibility.
No living thing can long endure outside the biosphere it was raised in.
Now we may need to add a caveat to this. No “advanced” living being. It is quite possible that very simple and “primitive” life forms and their precursors, can and have crossed astronomical distances to start life processes on sterile worlds, but I cannot see any reason to expect this capacity to exist for advanced forms and established biospheres. The former are completely dependent on the latter and the latter have robust defensive mechanisms to fight off such “infections.”
Sure, we can send Laikas into near space and even bring the human ones back alive after a time; but Space Colonization?
When will we begin to recognize that the entire edifice of “Space Mythology” has been a projection of the mindset of America in the 1950s. With “fast cars” and “full tanks” careening through the cosmos with no regard for the “speed limit” and eager to bring “Our Brand of Freedom” to whoever they “Discover™.”
“Science Fiction” has always been fiction, but science? Everything that has made the genre appealing to its audience has been “possible” only because its writers flaunted actual limits of speed and distance and energy by employing the huckster’s tried and true methods, hand-waiving every difficulty away. Progress!™ has required just this kind of mythology to maintain its denials of reality. Every part of it feeding the infantilization of its believers and promoting a limitless willingness to bend to any atrocity, any violence, any authoritarian control purported to accelerate the arrival of this Grand Future!™.
If we were not so completely divorced from our innate awareness of the way every being on this Earth is completely interdependent upon the Web of Life, all this would be seen as an unassailable truism. The only thing propping up this form of denialism is that we could not maintain our insane culture and its forms without defending our faith in its fantasies. Fantasies that purposefully deny basic facts of existence.
The forces shaping public opinion have been so successful that almost all, if not actually no publicly visible member of the “Scientific Community” has ever commented on this condition of existence or how unviable our “Consensus-Views” have become. This has been true even of those seeking to “Fight Global Warming!” Every “solution” just another support of the Edifice of Thought that has brought us to this point.
Many seem to outgrow their childish belief in Santa or the Tooth Fairy, but Captain Kirk? Hans Solo? No, that is going too far….
I cannot forget the way even as wise a people as the Lakota were driven to a mass hysteria, believing in the Ghost Dance in a last ditched attempt to hold onto their culture, as they were being systematically annihilated. It shows that, for once, there are true limits imposed by “human nature….” It should be no surprise that anyone still materially benefiting from participating in this culture finds it nearly impossible to break out of it.
Our Galactic Destiny!™ is the last gasp of the drive to chase after a future by despoiling the present that has driven all of our Imperial Destinies for the last five thousand years. The closing of our earthbound “Frontiers” made it necessary to imagine a Final Frontier!™. Macabre how this language rhymes with that Final Solution….
Please never forget that Hitler took Britain, Belgium, the U.S., as his models. He was profoundly shocked when they failed to join him and see him as their true heir. Unlike the faux-shock of our punditry at the recent crop of Mein Kampf admirers rushing to take the gloves off and bare this system’s true soul once again.
Is there other life in the Universe? It’s impossible to not see this as a near certainty, even if it is one we will never be able to prove.
Are “They” visiting us here and now?
There has always been some awareness that there are other aspects of the Universe that are beyond the limits of our Perception and therefore remain inexplicable. Humans have had “contacts” with unknowable entities as far back as we can see. Are these “Aliens!™?
Yes, and no. Literally alien to our ability to clearly perceive them. Alien to the realms in which our lives take place within the limits of our abilities to perceive. But, no. They are not flying saucer driving astronauts from distant arms of our galaxy or time-travelers from that ever receding, never arriving Future!™ we continue to demand.
Entities that inhabit realms that barely intersect with our own are definitely possible and will remain ethereal. By definition they lie beyond what we can fully perceive or understand.
Aliens!™ in “space ships” are no mystery at all. They are simply the necessary and well supported projections of our own Shadows onto our reality. There can be no real mystery surrounding this fact. The entire “Industry” of “Alternative Realities” that has been built up as a distinct and now dominating branch of the consensus-shaping “Entertainment Industry” has been a mechanism to destroy critical thinking and fuel projective, reactionary submission to authority. It has grown out of early “Science Fiction” and The UFO Craze of the Fifties.
Watch any “Ancient Alien” type show, or any of what is now spilling out into Congressional hearings and “Main Stream News” and it should not be that hard, using a basic understanding of the methods of psychological manipulations, to see exactly how and why these shows exist. Why they have been given such a platform. How they have infected every aspect of our lives, even in the way they fuel the entire fascist program and feed us into one grave self delusion after another. Think of how everyone continues to talk of the Covid Pandemic in the past-tense. The way the most basic lessons of public hygiene have been totally undermined, as just one small example.
If you’ve made it this far, I thank you, as they tend to say over on YouTube…. I want you to know that the near impossibility of having any of these topics “discussed” publicly today has fueled my reluctance to even broach these subjects.
When astronauts hit golf balls on the moon, it revealed the absurdity of the manned space travel program.
You are painting SF with too broad a brush, methinks. You are looking at SF "space opera" if you will. Or the use of SF to explore different ways of thinking, of course, LeGuin probably isn't classic SF. Think Gibson, Sterling. You might find some food for thought in a new novel: The Great Transformation. Which amongst other things considers the concept of national service, the abolishment of which let us get into the post 'Nam endless wars.