To paraphrase Stephen Jenkinson, We need to "oblige" the death of the systems that are destroying us all. Unless we do, they will remain undead and continue to plague us.
You are painting SF with too broad a brush, methinks. You are looking at SF "space opera" if you will. Or the use of SF to explore different ways of thinking, of course, LeGuin probably isn't classic SF. Think Gibson, Sterling. You might find some food for thought in a new novel: The Great Transformation. Which amongst other things considers the concept of national service, the abolishment of which let us get into the post 'Nam endless wars.
When astronauts hit golf balls on the moon, it revealed the absurdity of the manned space travel program.
You are painting SF with too broad a brush, methinks. You are looking at SF "space opera" if you will. Or the use of SF to explore different ways of thinking, of course, LeGuin probably isn't classic SF. Think Gibson, Sterling. You might find some food for thought in a new novel: The Great Transformation. Which amongst other things considers the concept of national service, the abolishment of which let us get into the post 'Nam endless wars.