At the end of April, I wrote this short piece, Signs. In June I wrote, Mourning for the World. I'm revisiting the state of the ocean, and particularly the Gulf oil spill today, not to celebrate the much touted Bottom-kill and our return to normalcy; but because at this time, when the spectacle has begun to pass it all by, to be replaced by irrelevant bustle, before the next catastrophe until it too passes from its acute to its chronic stage; it is important to take a moment to look at how The Gulf Oil Spill remains significant.
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Mourning for the World, Part 2
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At the end of April, I wrote this short piece, Signs. In June I wrote, Mourning for the World. I'm revisiting the state of the ocean, and particularly the Gulf oil spill today, not to celebrate the much touted Bottom-kill and our return to normalcy; but because at this time, when the spectacle has begun to pass it all by, to be replaced by irrelevant bustle, before the next catastrophe until it too passes from its acute to its chronic stage; it is important to take a moment to look at how The Gulf Oil Spill remains significant.