Vinay Gupta wrote a piece recently, The Subtle Art of Precarity. It's a nice article, and an interesting neologism, precarity. It relates to a familiarity and even comfort with being on the edge. His thesis, one I've long ascribed to, that as we get deeper into collapse the crises of leadership and expertise drive, and are driven, by the growing irrelevance of those held up as examples of either. What's particularly frightening, especially to a child who grew up with an alarming concern that the adults around him were
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On Being Outside, a meditation on precarity
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Vinay Gupta wrote a piece recently, The Subtle Art of Precarity. It's a nice article, and an interesting neologism, precarity. It relates to a familiarity and even comfort with being on the edge. His thesis, one I've long ascribed to, that as we get deeper into collapse the crises of leadership and expertise drive, and are driven, by the growing irrelevance of those held up as examples of either. What's particularly frightening, especially to a child who grew up with an alarming concern that the adults around him were