When does politics stop just being politics?
It’s been an accepted verity that politics is a spectator sport with fans devoted to their favorite team and those who just don’t care for sport maintaining a passing tolerance for each other. Whatever is said in the heat of passion may be considered too much by some, but the worst offense is to insert politics “where it don’t belong….”
That time is rapidly passing. The unacknowledged privilege that lets some clutch at their pearls this way; or for others to rage over their salted beers as they identify with those who have nothing but disdain for their persons; this entire system is collapsing about us.
I dislike making predictions. It appears that just about every work of fiction intended to warn us of where things were going has ended up just being a roadmap for those intent on rushing us into total destruction. There’s not much of a functional distance between Mein Kampf and 1984. The intentions of their authors may have been diametrically opposed but both of these works have been used as road maps and recipes for disaster.
At this point what I want to outline here is not some prognostication about some future just out of reach. This is where we may all find ourselves in what amounts to a blink of the eye.
What is happening in Gaza; if it does not lead to a quick collapse of the legitimacy of all the neofascist governments racing to see who can do the most to complete this step on the way to Their Final Solution; a collapse brought on in the same way that the Soviet Union collapsed, in the blink of an eye as the last shreds of fictional authenticity and any reason for continued doubt of their utter moral bankruptcy evaporated like a morning dew; a collapse of legitimacy at such a profound level that no one can any longer hide behind “caution,” asking and willing to keep turning a blind eye, “for just a little bit longer….” Unless this happens the pace of the advance of an openly brutal and deadly world fascism will explode upon us all. We’ll go from business as usual to facing psychotic level, contradictory, double-bind demands to evacuate immediately and/or face the full onslaught of the war machine no matter where we are. This could unroll at a pace that would make Blitzkrieg seem slow and plodding. They have the technology….
It will not matter where we are. Or how '“essential” we may think we are.
The last two decades have been the time for the amassing of this power and all the “dress rehearsals,” the “occupation of the Sudetenland” level of preparations have been carried out. The front-line storm troopers we now see released from any fiction of restraint have been training police and military forces throughout the powerful nations. In the US we’ve gone from being, “A nation formed in Liberty for all” to a “Homeland in need of being secured.” The next step is to “Do what must be done!” As it always is when the fascist mentality is allowed to come out into the light of day.
“Cop-city,” “kettling,” carving out ever more “types of people” and adding them into the “subhuman” category…. The whole “Security State,” all the obfuscating conspiracy-theories notwithstanding…. All of this has been created for the day when the gloves finally come off. In the closed and fear-clogged minds of those who cherish power and hold onto it this has always been their greatest hope to one day wield that power without constraint. Their zealotry insulates them from the only true certainty. No one will survive if this is allowed to happen.
We’re all familiar enough with, “First they came for….” What’s been missing from this cautionary tale is that in the end, when the thousand Year Reich was reduced to rubble and Nemesis was pounding on their bunker hatches; it finally came for them too. The Masters reveal their blindness and utter depravity when they refuse to see how this must end. For everyone, if it is allowed to arrive at its final fury.
The “End of the Cold War” was seen by many, I hoped it could be true myself, as an opportunity to end the binary model of an adversarial “fight for survival.” It was quickly clear that those who still held power for the sake of power would never allow that to happen. Everything was done to isolate us and break us all down into warring factions. The Biggest Big Lie could never be maintained for long if we had a moment’s peace in which to look calmly at our situation and tear down all our own walls.
The legalistic, even the moralist’s language of “War Crimes” and “heinous actions beyond the Pale,” have never been anything more than ways to “compromise” with the essential wholeness of all, providing a convenient theater of distraction from the imbecility, the sheer immaturity and brokenness of spirit required to believe that any legal system can provide “checks & balances” to “protect” us from those who have no higher principals than the acquisition and maintenance of power.
Every preparation for war, no matter how brazenly dressed up as “Self-defense,” is and has always been a “War Crime.” At the level in which these activities are carried out today, with the weapons available; and the dis-junction between the Will to carry out atrocities and the need for actual “skin in the game;” have put us on a precipitous slope with few…, actually no means to keep it all from escalating into Mutually Assured Destruction.
This has always been the highest glory in the minds of the psychopaths who control us, own us, and expect to be able to do what they want with us.
A week ago (at the end of September) it still seemed reasonable to think that exposing the ways violence infiltrates our language, and the ways in which petty violence and brutality is always a precursor, a warning of what’s to come; was a useful thing to do. These things are no less true today, but the speed of escalation shown by events has outstripped any sense of that usefulness. The monsters are running scared. All of the “intelligence” they have gathered, all the “Data” they seek to keep out of the public eye. The certainty that “Normal,” in every sense of what that disgusting term has come to mean, will certainly never return. They know these things. And their response?
Within their totally bankrupt world-view and psychotically broken down minds it can only mean one thing. Double down and unleash every projected, perverse, and demented illusion they hold, acting out in as great a paroxysm of horror and destruction as they can unleash. There is no longer any scrap of restraint. They have, in their minds, “nothing left to lose.”
Goebbels and his wife, “lovingly” gave their children cyanide capsules in their bunker. They could not imagine anything other than consummating the totality of destruction they had dedicated their lives to. Our “Heirs of Oppenheimer,” as well as our “Lovers of Barbie,” are in a similar position today.
Our mass incredulity, bolstered by the divide and conquer mentality’s fracturing of society into polarized ghettos of potential victims each pinning the blame on all the others, is all that keeps us from bringing this Juggernaut to a halt.
I wrote what’s above at the beginning of October. It felt as though I should wait before posting. Having waited, it seems the only thing I missed was just how fanatical those refusing to see what is going on have proven to be. How every opportunity to turn from this course, as the body count continues to go up. As the perpetrators celebrate their depravity in ways we haven’t seen since the early days of that Third Reich, before the realities of their monstrosities began to come home to roost….
Nothing that was ever said or written celebrating the good guys in World War II can survive the current behavior of every “Western Nation” today. Individuals certainly did act to counter aggression and stop atrocity. But none of the official heirs to Roosevelt and Churchill have done anything, from 1946 on, but muscle into the brutal space left vacant by the fall of the Nazis. The actions of all these, “our” governments this Autumn are not a detour from their chosen path, but a culmination.
Every human and every living being on this Earth today is in line to get what they’ve been shelling out. It’s only a matter of waiting our turn….
At what point do these revelations reach us?
In the past few weeks Argentina has elected a President who makes Mussolini seem a statesman. In the US, all the rational people, continue to treat Trump as a convenient bogeyman to scare us all into compliance with a genocidal administration run by Strom Thurmond’s protégé in the cause of White Supremacy. Thanks to the ubiquitous cell-phone cameras, which have yet to show us actual aliens, we have yet another example of the sheer banality of Neo-Liberal evil as a pet of the DNC’s State Department couldn’t resist, saw no reason to even try, to hide his abhorrent nature as he extracted the humiliation our elites have always expected in return for payment-for-services from any member of the under-class. We’ve seen the Auschwitz Museum throw away the weight of its terrible responsibility to a conviction that awareness of past atrocity will lessen the chances of its return as they daily continue to shame the people they “work?” to memorialize while actively refusing to see any connection to the deaths occurring, the fresh faces in 4k res photos, of today’s victims to the heirs of Auschwitz’s builders and operators. A new twist on “Arbeit Macht Frei!™….”
The only thing holding us to this horror is our unwillingness to face what we’ve become. What many of us have always been. What is going on in our name.
What does it take?